Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Well, I have So much to Share...many recipes, I'm so behind YIKES!, some thoughts...just because I want to talk to you, and, this is also my sounding board:)

First, let's start with change...there has been a lot of change going on with me. I have actively been looking for a job and it has been 2 years since I have worked out of the house. I started slow...chose just one company to pursue but, have since applied to 3 more retailers.....I have to admit, I have some issues lately with my self confidence and I'm trying to change that because if you know me, you know that I truly believe that what we put out there IS what we get...So, I have a fear if I dont get over my self confidence issue, I wont get a job!! However, I worry a bit that since I have not worked in 2 years in the field I'm pursuing, that my resume' may not be as desirable anymore.

Yesterday, I planted a garden! I'm so proud! My hubby got me everything I needed and came up with the idea of how to do it small yet different and's not your ordinary garden for sure. When it is totally finished, I will post a picture. So far there's corn, tomatoes,carrots, onions,beets,basil,oregano!! What is very cool is that this was a seed we had planted a while ago...Meaning, we talked about the things we would like to have someday(that would be more green, healthy etc...) and seeing them finally come into our world is proof that if you want it, and your positive and believe in the possibility, you can make it happen! That motivates me:)

As I'm typing, I'm making homemade bread and it sounds amazing! buying all the ingredients and knowing how good it will be for us was so motivating! What is so cool is that I was given this recipe from a new fb friend who is a cousin of a friend who congratulated me on my blog after he saw the post on her fb page!!! WOW! So I'm feeling pretty lucky and proud right now for so many things. Thanks for reading and letting me share with you:)

Oh, I almost forgot!!! My hubby also built a clothesline...stop laughing...I'm totally Serious!! I started using it...well, sometimes (I'm still getting the hang of it) Anyway, our gas/electric bill was $7.00 cheaper last month!! So now I'm so motivated to use the clothesline even saved us $$ when I didn't even use it as much as I could have, It's Better for the Environment AND it is saving the life of our clothes!!

I read a quote the other day..."It is important to go out in the world and Be Good but, it is more important to go out in the world and DO Good!"...I feel like I'm DOING Good and that really FEELS Good:) Peace!