Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good Vibrations!

What a busy week!

So many things I want to share that I'm not sure where to begin...So, I will begin with Today. I finished a 3 day trial for The Whole Body Vibration. I will try to make this short...It has proven results for bone density and muscle mass. It is known to show in some people quick weight loss and loss in inches. It is being used for weight loss, muscle strength,flexibility,toning, cellulite loss and much more...which all in turn lead to better overall health benefits like less stress, more energy etc....Whew! I think that is the best I have explained it so far! As a health and fitness conscious person, I of course have been interested in this since I have heard about it. However, As we all know I am on A Budget!! Sooo, I dont just jump at every opportunity of a promised better for your health program or machine! When my favorite herb store began to offer a 3 day FREE trial naturally, I jumped on that! The trial is 3 days because that is haow fast you can see results.
Soooo, at todays final measure in I had lost a total of 2 3/4 inches!! WOW! The best thing is it was in my problem areas that I was hoping it would hips and tummy!! Now, I did notice that today while running I felt much stronger and that I could have gone faster but, I'm also not sure if that could be contributed to the lunges I began doing this week!There! Now you wont have to wonder if it works next time you hear about it and are curious.

"I Told You So" .........

Is pretty much what my hubby said when I told him I started to really notice a change in my body shape after only 2 days of doing lunges. BTW...That was 335 lunges in one day and 15o the next!! He has been telling me forever to add in strength training, lunges,squats etc...because I'm not going to get the results I want from running alone. So, of course I never listened but, on my own time and in my own way there I was, lunging up the hill to our house in order to challenge myself to a better workout that day! Now, I'm Hooked! I love to lung:) So, if you need a boost in your workout routine and a boost in your back side...try lunges:)

The Vemma Thirst challenge!!

Have you heard of Vemma, Verve, Vemma thirst?? Well, My father in Law sells it! I have given Grayson the vitamins and he loved it. I am not a big supplement person and I already feel great so I was never actively into looking for a feel good supplement aside from the basics..a multi vit, and vit B's and some spirulina or a green powder to get my greens in.
However, since I have been running so darn much I have noticed some changes...Im always HUNGRY And, I crave sugar often..with some research I have modified my diet with the GOOD Carbs instead of the BAD far that is working well! The sugar cravings are down a lot and I dont feel so hungry ALL the time...I have still been looking to find a drink or something to replace my electrolytes along with refueling my body after a workout...Here is where the Vemma Thirst comes in. Randomly...yesterday, my fathere in law, Richard told me all about the New Vemma Thirst because he knew that I was a runner and he thought It could help me with my working out. I know, another reason I'm so lucky:) Dont think I didnt already think about that. Anyway, so all I wanted to tell you is I started taking the Vemma Thirst drink and I'm going to be drinking it for 30 days and then I will let you know all about it. ...In the meantime, if your interested in checking it out yourself please visit Richards website!! Because I do like to represent the family and friends and if It is something I know first hand about it and would recommend it, I Will:) His website is: Richardlawrence,

OHHH! I Almost forgot!
My garden has sprouted a few cute little leaves in the beet section!! Hello Juicer, Here I come! I also planted some Jalapenos today w/ Grayson! Fun Stuff:)

I think I have rambled enough! Thanks for listening...I have been so busy but, I still have been cooking a lot, I'm just behind on sharing the recipes but, I will Soooon!

What Ever You Want ,Need, Desire, You Can Have! Make it Happen! Peace.