Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Challenge.....And a Little Motivation and Encouragement....

In the beginning of Running a Marathon the Motivation, Excitement, Spectator Support and Adrenalin Rush is what is Moving You Mile after Mile....Then Mile 18 comes and there's a Hill, you ran out of GU and there's No Spectator in sight to cheer you on because somehow, your now running through the middle of nowhere....and your stuck with...You. Only You can help get You to the next water station, next mile, ultimately to the Finish Line. This is when you Dream,Pray, Creatively Visualize the Finish (or curse yourself for entering the race) and hope that you will make it...Why am I writing this? Because today I waited for inspiration to come from someone else or just somewhere...anywhere...and it didn't. Like a Marathon, the first month of the blog and budget cutting and running and losing weight etc...etc...was an adrenalin rush....the spectators and excitement and thrill of what it would feel like to finish and succeed were helping me motivate but, now...I'm counting on Me to continue it all....So,after a lot of wasted time today I finally tapped into my Self Discipline and Will Power and I'm writing today to Share...... to Encourage You that Within You Is the ability to succeed and to finish everything you started. If you have been True to your Heart what it is Exactly that you Want, Need, Desire and are trying to Accomplish You Can Succeed. Believe In You and Just Be..Everything Else Will Fall into Place and Work Out. So, with that being said, I'm going to go research some more recipes, clip coupons, and clock some new running routes! Thanks for reading. Peace!