Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spirulina balls!!!!!! A Healthier Snack:)

I dont know about you but, I Love going to health food stores and seeing what new Bar is out Promising Great Nutrition and Energy! I Always seem to be hungry between meals and so I love to try varieties of those types of snacks. Unfortunately, they are so darn Expensive!! Well, I tried one of those Spirulina balls and loved it so I searched for a recipe to create it myself and sure enough I found one very much like the ones sold at the health food store. Here's the Best part....I made 36 of them for approx. $10.00!! That's 28 cents each!!! They sell at health food stores for 1.50 and UP!!! Yes, it's true. My kids liked them...not loved but, they ate them and that makes me happy because they were loaded with spirulina and that is such a great protective nutrient and great for the immune system! Here's the recipe, I hope you like it!

250 gr (approx. 1/2 lb) raw almond butter
1/2 cup brown rice syrup or honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup blueberry juice ( I used Apple)

2 1/2 tbs pumpkin seeds, freshly ground
2 1/2 tbs sesame seeds, freshly ground
1/3 cup sunflower seeds, freshly ground
1/3 cup flax seeds, freshly ground
1 1/2 tbs spirulina powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vitamin C powder (optional) ( I used a multi vitamin powder by: All One)
1 tsp salt (optional)
1/8 to 1/4 tsp Stevia white powder (to taste)

1 3/4 cups quick oats
1 cup puffed millet
2 tbs rice bran, packed (this ingredient may be omitted and replaced with more quick oats)


Food process first four ingredients. In separate bowl, mix together next nine ingredients. Add to nut butter mixture and process. Transfer mixture to large bowl. Add quick oats, millet and rice bran (if using). Mix until well combined. Make balls or squares. Store in the refrigerator.

FYI....when rolling these balls it is VERY Sticky and messy:) I rolled them in finely shredded coconut and put them in a Tupperware container and in the fridge!

Have an Amazing Day! Peace.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good Vibrations!

What a busy week!

So many things I want to share that I'm not sure where to begin...So, I will begin with Today. I finished a 3 day trial for The Whole Body Vibration. I will try to make this short...It has proven results for bone density and muscle mass. It is known to show in some people quick weight loss and loss in inches. It is being used for weight loss, muscle strength,flexibility,toning, cellulite loss and much more...which all in turn lead to better overall health benefits like less stress, more energy etc....Whew! I think that is the best I have explained it so far! As a health and fitness conscious person, I of course have been interested in this since I have heard about it. However, As we all know I am on A Budget!! Sooo, I dont just jump at every opportunity of a promised better for your health program or machine! When my favorite herb store began to offer a 3 day FREE trial naturally, I jumped on that! The trial is 3 days because that is haow fast you can see results.
Soooo, at todays final measure in I had lost a total of 2 3/4 inches!! WOW! The best thing is it was in my problem areas that I was hoping it would hips and tummy!! Now, I did notice that today while running I felt much stronger and that I could have gone faster but, I'm also not sure if that could be contributed to the lunges I began doing this week!There! Now you wont have to wonder if it works next time you hear about it and are curious.

"I Told You So" .........

Is pretty much what my hubby said when I told him I started to really notice a change in my body shape after only 2 days of doing lunges. BTW...That was 335 lunges in one day and 15o the next!! He has been telling me forever to add in strength training, lunges,squats etc...because I'm not going to get the results I want from running alone. So, of course I never listened but, on my own time and in my own way there I was, lunging up the hill to our house in order to challenge myself to a better workout that day! Now, I'm Hooked! I love to lung:) So, if you need a boost in your workout routine and a boost in your back side...try lunges:)

The Vemma Thirst challenge!!

Have you heard of Vemma, Verve, Vemma thirst?? Well, My father in Law sells it! I have given Grayson the vitamins and he loved it. I am not a big supplement person and I already feel great so I was never actively into looking for a feel good supplement aside from the basics..a multi vit, and vit B's and some spirulina or a green powder to get my greens in.
However, since I have been running so darn much I have noticed some changes...Im always HUNGRY And, I crave sugar often..with some research I have modified my diet with the GOOD Carbs instead of the BAD far that is working well! The sugar cravings are down a lot and I dont feel so hungry ALL the time...I have still been looking to find a drink or something to replace my electrolytes along with refueling my body after a workout...Here is where the Vemma Thirst comes in. Randomly...yesterday, my fathere in law, Richard told me all about the New Vemma Thirst because he knew that I was a runner and he thought It could help me with my working out. I know, another reason I'm so lucky:) Dont think I didnt already think about that. Anyway, so all I wanted to tell you is I started taking the Vemma Thirst drink and I'm going to be drinking it for 30 days and then I will let you know all about it. ...In the meantime, if your interested in checking it out yourself please visit Richards website!! Because I do like to represent the family and friends and if It is something I know first hand about it and would recommend it, I Will:) His website is: Richardlawrence,

OHHH! I Almost forgot!
My garden has sprouted a few cute little leaves in the beet section!! Hello Juicer, Here I come! I also planted some Jalapenos today w/ Grayson! Fun Stuff:)

I think I have rambled enough! Thanks for listening...I have been so busy but, I still have been cooking a lot, I'm just behind on sharing the recipes but, I will Soooon!

What Ever You Want ,Need, Desire, You Can Have! Make it Happen! Peace.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Michelle's Chicken Barley Soup..because it's a Good Carb!

I have been reading a lot about the Good Carbs Vs. Bad Carbs and how the bad carbs are responsible for no weight Loss or possibly the reason we Gain weight...In addition, the conversion to sugar is higher with most of the "Bad" carbs... causing us to just spike in energy levels only to quickly crash!
Why am I telling you this??? Because that is why I decided to make the Chicken w/ Barley tonight instead of white rice....that's all...LOL!! I just ate this soup and it was so good! The whole family liked it and all I did was throw it all in the crock pot...and I use my Awesome rice cooker to steam the barley!
I have to admit that One of the things that is a bit challenging with this blog and writing the recipes is ...I sometimes just wing it...meaning I don't necessarily have an exact measurement for some of the ingredients I use. Tonight I didnt follow a recipe at all...I just made it up but, I knew I wanted to post it so I eyeballed the amounts of everything I used so I could tell you. Feel free to eyeball the amounts you may need too:)

Michelle's Chicken Barley Soup

  • Approx 1lb of Chicken (whatever kind you have that saved you money on sale:)!!) I used 1/2 breasts w/ bones and 1/2 way through I took the chicken off the bone and shredded it.
  • 6 cups chicken stock total (if you have homemade use it all. If not use 2 1/2 cups water and 2 1/2 cups chicken stock.
  • 1/2 onion chopped
  • 1c celery chopped
  • 1c carrots chopped
  • 2 cups barley (steam separately then add the last hour!) This keeps it from getting too mushy.
  • salt and pepper to taste and a clove or 2 of garlic to taste:
Add everything to the slow cooker and set on high for approx 5 hours! I started this at noon , steamed the barley and added it at the last hour!

Amazing Energy Pancake!

This is a Great Pancake for Lasting Energy! It is light, yet filling and tastes Great! I eat this after a workout because it is a great amount of protein, Carbs(the good kind) and the banana has a lot of potassium which is great for my legs. Blueberries are another "Superfood" providing antioxidants and fiber!

The Story...because you know there usually Is a story!! This recipe came from a past client of mine. She would come into the boutique that I worked at and she always looked Amazing! What was so Amazing about her was her Positive and Upbeat Energy! Now, I worked in Newport Beach, Fashion Island(the home of plastic surgery) so seeing 60 year old women looking like a million bucks was common but, usually came at the hands of a plastic surgeon but, I knew she was different. She was in her 60's but, she ate healthy and stayed very active! I know this because I was dying to know her I flat out asked her! She told me she had not had any surgery and She said she practiced Yoga, went roller blading etc...AND she swore the main thing that gave her this sustained Energy All day was this pancake!! So of course, I made it the very next morning and have been making it ever since! I think when life presents us with great lessons or secrets they need to be shared with, here is the recipe! Hope you like it as much as I do.

Amazing Energy Pancake!

1 package of organic instant oatmeal (good kind)... any flavor w/o added sugar...flax seed is my favorite! Costco has a great organic brand with the flax seed flavor
2 egg whites
1/2 Ripe banana much as you like in your pancake approx...1/3 cup
**This makes one pancake so adjust the recipe if your making for more then yourself!

Mix the egg whites in with the oatmeal and mash in the banana, mix well then fold in the blueberries. pour onto heated skillet and flip when side is brown. pancake will be a bit moist inside but, is ready when both sides are lightly browned. Top with a little Honey, or Natural Syrup.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Not So Quick BUT, Hands Down the Best Lasagna!

Yesterday I began at about 2:30 to start making this Amazing lasagna! I knew it was going to be Amazing because I had already made this recipe before.
Although I have become somewhat of an expert on shopping with coupons, tracking the grocery store specials and "working it" with the double savings deals....this is still one of those "High and Mighty Meals" as it still cost me approx. 15.00 to make. However, last night it served 8 servings and there's a good 5 servings leftover!!! A perfect meal to make for company or if your looking to have enough for leftovers.
Did I mention why I decided to make this yesterday? Because, ya know, I normally wont make such a time consuming meal unless there's a good reason...I mean after all this IS all about Quick and Easy on a budget:) Well, here is one of the joys of teenagers! My son asked when a good night would be to have his girlfriend over for dinner for the 1st time, I said Thursday. So, Wed. I told him to confirm that she would be coming. He said he would text me Thursday from school if she wasnt going to come. So, Thursday comes, No Text, I start cooking early because it does take 3 HOURS!!
Long story short.........Oops, I forgot to text you, mom!!.....SHE'S NOT COMING!!
Anyway, it was great to make because my daughter got involved with me and she helped w/ the lasagna and she made homemade garlic bread. This is after all why I like cooking so get's the family more involved:) So, here is the Amazing recipe I found online. I made just a few modifications like using fat free cheese and extra lean ground beef:) I hope you enjoy it and have fun making it with someone you Love spending time with...this is perfect for that!


  • 1 pound sweet Italian sausage
  • 3/4 pound lean ground beef(EXTRA LEAN)
  • 1/2 cup minced onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed ( I used 4!!)
  • 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
  • 2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
  • 2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 12 lasagna noodles
  • 16 ounces ricotta cheese( I used fat free)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 pound mozzarella cheese, sliced (sliced is what makes it stay nicely together when you cut it!)
  • 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. In a large skillet cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over medium heat until well browned. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and water. Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons parsley. Simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain noodles, and rinse with cold water. In a mixing bowl, combine ricotta cheese with egg, remaining parsley, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  4. To assemble, spread 1 1/2 cups of meat sauce in the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange 6 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce. Spread with one half of the ricotta cheese mixture. Top with a third of mozzarella cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Repeat layers, and top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil: to prevent sticking, either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the foil does not touch the cheese.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and bake an additional 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving.
****Letting it cool will also help keep it from falling apart when you cut it!

Sometimes fear can be mistaken for excitement...
There is Nothing Wrong With Being Afraid...As Long as we dont let it Stop us from doing things that Excite us. Peace!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010




Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Well, I have So much to Share...many recipes, I'm so behind YIKES!, some thoughts...just because I want to talk to you, and, this is also my sounding board:)

First, let's start with change...there has been a lot of change going on with me. I have actively been looking for a job and it has been 2 years since I have worked out of the house. I started slow...chose just one company to pursue but, have since applied to 3 more retailers.....I have to admit, I have some issues lately with my self confidence and I'm trying to change that because if you know me, you know that I truly believe that what we put out there IS what we get...So, I have a fear if I dont get over my self confidence issue, I wont get a job!! However, I worry a bit that since I have not worked in 2 years in the field I'm pursuing, that my resume' may not be as desirable anymore.

Yesterday, I planted a garden! I'm so proud! My hubby got me everything I needed and came up with the idea of how to do it small yet different and's not your ordinary garden for sure. When it is totally finished, I will post a picture. So far there's corn, tomatoes,carrots, onions,beets,basil,oregano!! What is very cool is that this was a seed we had planted a while ago...Meaning, we talked about the things we would like to have someday(that would be more green, healthy etc...) and seeing them finally come into our world is proof that if you want it, and your positive and believe in the possibility, you can make it happen! That motivates me:)

As I'm typing, I'm making homemade bread and it sounds amazing! buying all the ingredients and knowing how good it will be for us was so motivating! What is so cool is that I was given this recipe from a new fb friend who is a cousin of a friend who congratulated me on my blog after he saw the post on her fb page!!! WOW! So I'm feeling pretty lucky and proud right now for so many things. Thanks for reading and letting me share with you:)

Oh, I almost forgot!!! My hubby also built a clothesline...stop laughing...I'm totally Serious!! I started using it...well, sometimes (I'm still getting the hang of it) Anyway, our gas/electric bill was $7.00 cheaper last month!! So now I'm so motivated to use the clothesline even saved us $$ when I didn't even use it as much as I could have, It's Better for the Environment AND it is saving the life of our clothes!!

I read a quote the other day..."It is important to go out in the world and Be Good but, it is more important to go out in the world and DO Good!"...I feel like I'm DOING Good and that really FEELS Good:) Peace!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Tasty Chicken Enchiladas...... Almost Homemade..

I seriously searched for a recipe that was Easy and healthy and that used a red sauce with the Chicken Enchiladas. It was pretty overwhelming because there wasn't anything that really sounded good to me...I'm sure they were all good but, it was just one of those days where I was very indecisive and ...well, I'm sure you get it. We all have those kind of days. SO, I basically made up my own recipe...It did get good reviews. I took the tray to our neighbors, baked them there and they, along with my hubby were my guinea pigs for the first batch of Chicken Enchiladas. They were pretty Great...either that or the drinks were helping out the flavor LOL! Seriously, they were good, just give em' a try yourself:) BTW....This was not expensive at all! I had chicken I bought on sale, ricotta cheese was on sale and I had everything else at home! I's say approx....under 10.00 for sure and it made 2 baking dishes large dish, one medium:) Thanks for reading.

4 skinless,boneless,Chicken breast halves
1 med onion,chopped
fat free ricotta cheese
1 c shredded (light) cheese..I like the mexican blend
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 tblsp dried parsley
/2 tsp dried pepper
2 cloves garlic chopped
1 can green chilis
approx 15 corn tortillas
1 15 oz can of your favorite Enchilada sauce

*boil chicken with some onion and garlic until not pink in the middle
*remove and cut chicken in cubes
(Helpful TIP! Save remaining broth for a later recipe that calls for chicken stock!)
*put in a skillet and add the rest of the ingredients. along w/ 1/2 cup of the broth..stir until cheese melts.
*remove from skillet and prepare the tortillas for filling...
I heated the tortillas in the microwave to avoid softening them with the classic oil in the skillet light frying...just because I figured if I can...why not?
*This worked well....then I dipped the tortilla in the enchilada sauce, filled it with the mixture,rolled it and placed it with the fold side down in a baking dish.
Once the dish is filled, tope with remaining Enchilada sauce and Mexican Blend Cheese
bake on 350 for approx 30 mins.

***If you have a Homemade recipe for the Enchilada sauce...use it instead if you want...I just happen to have a can of sauce in my cabinet...I thought...Cool, less work for me...I might as well try it!

**WARNING*** This is MESSY:)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anna's BBQ Chicken Sandos!! Under $8.00!!

I Love That my family and Friends are sharing Yummy Recipes with me. It makes this so much more FUN! I made this recipe for the kids and their friends this weekend and it got the "Will You make this again?" review!! That's What I like to hear...Also, I do LOVE leftover's However, when there are NO leftovers, that is also a Positive Review for me! Thanks for the Recipe Anna!

Anna's BBQ Chicken Sandos!

6 Chicken breasts
1 12 OZ bottle of BBQ Sauce...(A good one)
1/2 Cup Italian Dressing (This gave some Tang)
1/4 c brown sugar
2 tblsp Worcestershire sauce

Cut breasts in 1/2 put in slow cooker
mix all ingredients and pour over chicken
cook on low for 4 to 6 hours
1/2 way through , break away chicken and shred

Serve on Rolls w/ whatever kind of cheese you like!! I made a roasted, seasoned potato to go along with it! Salad is a good side to add as well!!


Monday, February 8, 2010

Michelle's Thought's

Soooooo, Here is How I think about things.....
I believe that if the CORE Values or Your Developed Foundation for a Positive, Healthy Life Style is Already in place and it is 90% of the Time How you Live ..... Then the remaining 10% IS and Should Be your Treat! Eat, Drink and Spoil yourself....In Moderation!
I also find that Moderation in Everything we eat or do makes each time much more of a treat to look foreword to and Enjoy as if it were the first time...Someone once told me..."It's Like Chocolate Cake, if you eat it once and a while it is an Amazing treat and you get excited to have it, If you eat it Everyday, it's not so special anymore."
Depriving yourself of any Desire is..In my Opinion Not So Healthy.
Why am I saying this...Just because, It has been on my mind and this is after all My blog...which is sometimes my own therapy.....And the thought Is there for a Reason...Maybe I'm reminding myself that it's o.k. for Me to eat something sweet and not feel so bad about it or, Maybe Someone out there who is reading this needs to hear this toady to be reminded! Have an Amazing Day! Peace.

What You THINK about IS what You Will Get! Think Healthy Thoughts! Eat Healthy Food:)

When I say "Think Healthy Thoughts" I was not really referring to healthy thoughts about food...however, it does happens to be true also. If you think Healthy, you will want to eat and be healthy and what you think about will ultimately be what you do! So theres my Positive Pepe Talk for the Day...THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS:)

The Healthy Thoughts I was actually referring to is my relationship with my 13 year old daughter, Madeline. To make this short, I will say this......When you trust that the Universe is working for you and Not against you and you let go of any Negative thoughts...then things will Positively Change. I had been thinking Negative thoughts about how my daughter does not think Im cool, and doesnt like to hang out with me anymore or talk to, what do you think happened??? Right, she didn't want to hang out or talk to me! However, I recently remembered that, I'm Am the Queen of Positive Thinking and Positive Attitude;) And I Stopped thinking Negative and began to think Positive about this situation so, I began with positive affirmations..."She will talk and hang out with me soon" etc...etc... And That Is Exactly what is happening!! Believe in Yourself and Control your Thoughts! The past 2 days have been such a nice reunion w/ my Sweet, Loving Daughter:):)

I Like to Share Positive stories , that is mine for today....Tomorrow I promise I will have a couple recipes!! I know I'm so Behind...Blogging, clipping coupons, cooking and everything else in between takes a lot of time:)

Please put Positive Energy Out In the Universe for me because I applied for New job and I Need It:)!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lisa's SUNDEVIL Chili..........Thanks Sis!!

I was chatting w/ my sis the other day and she was telling me about this Amazing Chili she made for dinner in her Crock Pot so of Course I had to cash in on that good idea for my family And my Blog! When I got home, I forgot some of what she told me AND I didn't have All the ingredients but, I worked it out and here is what I came up with and it was AWESOME!

I Also Re-Named it ....."Lisa's SUNDEVIL Chili"...because she is a Die Hard ASU Sundevil FAN! (I have not told her this Yet...I hope it goes over well)

1 lb LEAN ground Turkey
1 tblsp Olive oil
1 med onion (1 cup chopped)
1 15 oz can kidney beans
1 15 oz can black beans
1 15 oz can chili beans
2 15 oz cans diced tomatoes w/juice
1 tblsp chili powder (Now...My sis used a chili seasoning pack AND
1 tsp red pepper flakes added a Ranch dressing seasoning pack..but,
I didn't have it so I used my spices...)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cumin 1 pinch of black pepper
1 pinch of allspice
salt to taste

(If you want it thinner....add a can of tomato sauce!

brown the Turkey and onions in a skillet with the olive oil then transfer to the crock pot with All the other ingredients...8 hours on low or 4 hours on high!

Shopping 101

I have a friend who asked me how I plan meals, shop, etc....Well, I'm Not gonna Lie it's a pain in the A** if Time is Not on your side....However, Time, lately....Is on My side so Blogging, Cooking, Clipping Coupons, and Making detailed Grocery Lists are all Possible for me so Saving Money has sorta become part of my job....Instead of bringing money IN, I decrease what goes OUT...It's a Positive Approach Anyway...

It goes a little like this:
Research some Recipes so any special ingredients get on the Grocery List!
Always keep the staple items on hand ....onions,potatoes,celery,carrots,stock's,spices,etc....
Go online and print manufacturer coupons
Go online and print the coupons for the store you are going to shop at
Make a list online for that store(there's a section you can do that at)
Make sure you buy Their specials And look for coupons to Double the savings!


And Thanks to My Husband .......he reminded me that Not Only did I save 106.00 But, The 175.00(actually 281.00 worth of food) that I did spend was will stretch even farther because it was spent on quality items to make MANY meals that will feed the Big basically, you spend less and get more when Your Cooking and NOT just Heating Up and Preparing...However, I have to Admit last night was a TREAT night and I bought a BIG Pizza for 5.00!!!!(Store Special of course...gotta Love the Super Bowl!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are You Ready for a Potato Chip Alternative??

KALE.......I know, I know, it's a Vegetable and the thought of suggesting that it replace your wonderfully, greasy, salty potato Chip is close to criminal...right? But, if you could subdue the craving for chips with something....Ummmmmm that is, In the food world considered a SUPERFOOD and is Rich in Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium not to mention it's loaded with Beta-Carotene and studies suggest that the phytonutrients can help the liver neutralize some potential cancerous substances would you Maybe , possibly TRY it?? I thought so:) SO, here's the Recipe: OH..And Did I mention that 1 cup of KALE has 35 Calories and ZERO FAT?? Thought you might like that!

KALE.....Yes, I know there are so many kinds! For Chips, I choose the ones with the curlier, thicker leaves.
Sea Salt or a salt alternative
Olive oil

Break the KALE off the stem in Chip size pieces put in a bowl.
Use your hands to thoroughly cove the KALE pieces
(Use Enough KALE to cover a baking sheet)
This means you will only need approx 1/2 tsp to one table spoon of oil and cover with sea salt but, GO EASY and I mean EASY.....(Too Salty, is only good in the trash)

Pre Heat Oven to 400 and put the KALE in for Approx....15 mins. Check on it, as every oven is different....It needs to get crispy but, not burnt...I have burnt and under cooked, it is definitely an Art and might take practice...but, it's worth it!


What Do You REALLY Love?

Someone asked me if I really do "Love" cooking. The that I Really Love Making a Positive Change, that has A Big Positive Impact in Many Ways...and the Cooking just happens to be One of the Tools that Let's Me Accomplish All of that Right Now. I am Motivated by Positive Results and Change or Ideas that are Ultimately, as a result of doing them.... A better way to Do Things for Me and my family in general! Cooking has let me save over 50% on our grocery bill and it has brought our family closer and I know they are getting Great Nutrition...less processed and preserved foods etc... I personally eat Healthy or Health Foods maybe not because it's the Very Best Flavor but, because it is doing something Healthier for my body and it makes me function at a higher lever when I eat healthy...I get up at 5AM not because I Love the getting up early part but, I LOVE the fact that I figured out that getting up that early insures I will get my run in and the result of me running is I have More Energy, A Better Mood for the day, a More Positive Outlook, Weight Loss, Physically Fit, Smaller jeans, Sexier bikini and an Unstoppable Young Attitude...So, I guess I should say I Absolutely LOVE doing the things that make Me Healthier, Happier, and Better then I was before for Me And the people around me. A Positive Attitude is Contagious! Cooking... in all honesty used to be in my mind Chore...mostly because I was afraid to try! However, my attitude has changed along with me and cooking is now viewed as a Creative Outlet and it is Exciting! Thanks for realize that writing is great therapy for me...if anyone is reading this then I hope it has been therapeutic for you or at least entertaining or maybe has given you a new idea or inspiration:) Peace!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Challenge.....And a Little Motivation and Encouragement....

In the beginning of Running a Marathon the Motivation, Excitement, Spectator Support and Adrenalin Rush is what is Moving You Mile after Mile....Then Mile 18 comes and there's a Hill, you ran out of GU and there's No Spectator in sight to cheer you on because somehow, your now running through the middle of nowhere....and your stuck with...You. Only You can help get You to the next water station, next mile, ultimately to the Finish Line. This is when you Dream,Pray, Creatively Visualize the Finish (or curse yourself for entering the race) and hope that you will make it...Why am I writing this? Because today I waited for inspiration to come from someone else or just somewhere...anywhere...and it didn't. Like a Marathon, the first month of the blog and budget cutting and running and losing weight etc...etc...was an adrenalin rush....the spectators and excitement and thrill of what it would feel like to finish and succeed were helping me motivate but, now...I'm counting on Me to continue it all....So,after a lot of wasted time today I finally tapped into my Self Discipline and Will Power and I'm writing today to Share...... to Encourage You that Within You Is the ability to succeed and to finish everything you started. If you have been True to your Heart what it is Exactly that you Want, Need, Desire and are trying to Accomplish You Can Succeed. Believe In You and Just Be..Everything Else Will Fall into Place and Work Out. So, with that being said, I'm going to go research some more recipes, clip coupons, and clock some new running routes! Thanks for reading. Peace!