Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Family Dinner & A Fresh Perspective! And A LOT of RAMBLING ON!

Yesterday had to be one of the most fun dinners we have had as a family in a while! I'll admit, I have said many times before "I'm going to serve dinner in the dining room and we will eat together as a family" However, the bar in the kitchen w/ all the chairs around is just sooo much easier! Unfortunately, when I serve everyone one really talks much and there is a sense of disconnect...However, lately, I'm happy to say that in the past 3 weeks we have done a much better job of it! Last night was so fun. I decided I was going to ask everyone to share something about their day or something that is going on in their world. I had planned that I was going to share about my blog and invite them to give me recipe ideas of what they would want to see me cook! Yeah, Success! Everyone seemed to really like the idea, I could really see more and more how important it is to sit down together. I'm not saying It will happen every night but, I aiming for at least 3 nights a week...with the teens, sports, etc...
My Fresh Perspective .......Lately, things are really falling into place for me. I wish I knew exactly what it is but, I do know what has changed that could contribute to it. I have always had a Very Optimistic Positive Attitude..however, I also have had a strong Fear of Failing and Disappointing Myself or Other's...So, I often would stay in a safe place as an Observer. To Sum it up.....I Faced the Fears! I'm Blogging to ANYONE who wishes to read it And, I was probably one of the Most Private people I knew! I'm Running w/ my friend and have given Up My "I Run SOLO Attitude" And It has been the Best change I could have made. Also, I have always said to myself " I'm supposed to do something Bigger, I'm just not sure what it is" Well, I have had so much Positive, Supportive, Inspiring, comments, questions, feedback and Thank you's for this blog AND for my Positive words of encouragement... I have decided maybe it could be a step in the right direction to the "Bigger" thing I'm supposed to be doing...Do I think these recipes are anything special ...not really and I know you could research and get them online yourself(except for the one's I make up)...However, what I do think is that people want to identify with someone who is not perfect, someone trying to change for the better, make positive changes and who is facing a lot of the similar challenges life brings along the way YET, finds a way through Positive Attitude and Love and Support to Make each Day the Best. So, what is the fresh Perspective?? It is that I am Learning just how much we all need eachother and nothing can Really, Happily be Accomplished Alone. I think my first thought about this blog was "I'm Giving something to You, the Reader" But, the Reality is that By reading, You are giving Something to me... Motivation, Encouragement, Support and Positive Energy which helps me to continue reaching my goals and the desire to Challenge myself and to make more goals. I'm sure you have heard before "We are all in this together...I believe we truly are connected and there are no coincidences...So, I'm Rollin' with it! This is pretty should try it!