Monday, January 18, 2010


It's 7AM and this is the first morning in 8 days(since I started my New running routine)that I canceled my early morning run. I woke up so tired and it's very wet from the rain. I don't like running in Rain. However, I made a Commitment recently to run Everyday for an Hour So, I WILL be going to the club later to run and make up for it. I know this does not have anything to do with Recipes but, In my crazy head I do have a reason that this all fit's in.And of course I feel the need to share it with you:) It's The word Commitment. I think it's important to go back to the part in the 1st blog entry where I Promised myself I would make grocery lists, etc...etc..etc...Because if I did what I said I would do there would Not have been MORE months of grocery bills over 1,000. However,It kept happening because I did Not make a Commitment to Cooking more meals and so I followed the same PREPARING routine of meals with the occasional Awesome breakfast burrito AND Healthy Cookies:) while I Said I WANT to cut the Grocery bill in 1/2. Why am I boring you with this?? Well, because I know I'm not the only one who has Said they Want to Have something, Or Want to Accomplish something or Do something different and then they Never end up doing it Or they are STILL Saying the Same thing 2 years later (like me and losing weight).Yes, I Know, I'm Not Fat...I just want to fit in the clothes I used to fit in 6 years ago... Then I went on a nice walk with my husband one day and I began once again my routine conversation telling him how I was going to get Back to the weight I was when I met him 6 years earlier and wear those cute jeans, remember? blah,blah,blah! He always listens to this Same story and offers the right amount of support but, this time was different...He calmly said to me "Are you sure that's what you want?" I was shocked!! Of course that's what i want, Why wouldn't I want to be 15 lbs lighter?? Then he said, "Maybe you just WANT to Want to." "If you REALLY wanted to lose 15 lbs. you would." OUCH! Big OUCH!I couldn't believe what I was hearing but,after some practice in Calming the Mind and Thinking before I speak and deciding I didn't want to start a fight I admitted to myself and to him, He Was Right...I didn't know what to do though. It was true, I wanted to wake up one morning and be the way I used to be but, with no effort on my part. I wanted to want it...but, I just got stuck in my Patterns. So,Progress was made, after the seeds of this journey have been planted over and over I was finally closer to knowing that Something Was really going to change but, I still needed that push. I typically get inspired by something profound that I read in a self help book, or quotes from amazing people and My Friends and this time it came in an e-mail from a website called Motivation in a Minute. I don't even know how I got on the list but, I watched 212 the Movie that was e-mailed to me and there it was in BIG letters "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LIFE" Duh, I knew this but, then it read "IF YOU WANT TO GET WHAT YOU'VE NEVER HAD YOU MUST DO WHAT YOU'VE NEVER DONE" I know it is nothing New, We Know this stuff Right? However, in a time when your..Searching, When Your Mind Is OPEN, Sometimes that One message that is presented at the Right Time , in the Right Way is the One that can changes your life! It Changed Mine. I couldn't wait to take control again. I knew all along that sometimes we just need to look within ourselves for the answers because they are all there. I just needed to be reminded. It also helped that this video, 212 Movie, had a powerful presentation which made me feel a little guilty for doing Nothing for So Long. I Got a Powerful Message from the movie. My COMMITMENT to running and weight loss AND Cutting the food budget has started and is moving in Full Force.Below is the link to the video in case you have not seen it before. I hope it reminds You how Powerful You Are like it did for me. Oh, and I swear, Recipes are coming very sooooon, I think it's important that you knew what helped me get to this point...Or maybe Im writing a Suspense Blog.....hmmmmm.
Remember, there IS something Positive In Every Situation and if we have a Positive approach to looking at things WE can find it:)