Thursday, March 11, 2010

Positive Thought's Create Positive Experiences!

We are Exactly where we are in life because of the thought's we have had. It's true....may not be a thought you had yesterday or last week or last year but, it could have been a thought you had 5 years ago....Think about it.
Our thoughts Are like a blueprint for what we will create, accomplish, overcome, begin....Everything.
We thought it, gave it Energy, and the Universe gradually began to work to bring to life the desires we have. Of course we need to do our part...we need to have specific goals, self motivation, discipline and the ability to take action when we see the opportunity to make decisions or changes towards achieving our goals after all, those opportunities are there because we asked for them.
Why am I sharing this....because lately I am experiencing several years of what were once "thoughts" become what is my living reality. I can look at everything happening in my life right at this very moment and I can link them all to my very own thoughts that I have had over the past 5 to 10 years!
Trust the Universe is working for you. You may not get what you want in life the moment you think it or ask for it but, if you re-visit the thought with positive energy, believe it will become reality then when it is right for you, it will.
Remember to focus on Positive thoughts...Your thoughts Create your life, make them Positive ones:)